Monday, July 31, 2006

from asif

hey reem,

so i just wanted to let you know the impact your emails have had. the reason i was in china was for an islamic medical conference (tagging along with my parents of course). anyway, my dad is on the board of directors of the organization, and we were able to organize an impromptu fundraiser at the closing banquet. i made like 400 copies of your emails, dont worry, edited without names and phone numbers :) and handed them out to all the physicians to read. at the banquet, i even read some excerpts which particularly moved people. although i was hoping to raise more, we as a group raised $240,000 that will be distributed to various charities in lebanon through an organization called the Islamic Medical Association of Lebanon, which is a partner organization to the one my parents belong to. I also talked to the physicians about what needs to be done on the political front, and i think people really listened, but mostly, they will take the 10+ pages of emails that you wrote home with them and i am sure that many will be brought to tears the same way i was. i think it was great that you did that, and many people have already asked me to forward any additional emails that you send out.

i hope all is still relatively ok with you, as ok as they can be i guess. meaning i hope your family, mother, father, grandmother and all your other loved ones are ok. there really is no end in sight, is there? i've been getting more infuriated every day with the media's portrayal of this, and now i am back in the states, where i dont even have the sympathetic ears of a muslim environment. back to dealing with the ignorant i guess. take care of yourself reem, i know you always do.

my love,

from arjun i


Thank you for your emails. I appreciate the first hand accounts.Insulated within the comparabley comforting confines of America--- iteasy to become out of touch with the television and media reportage ofthe grim realities in Lebanon. Unfortunately, I think this phenomenais fairly pervasive in this country and has consequently adversleyaffected American foreign policy. (Which is one reason I think it isvital for Americans to travel abroad)I have forwarded your earlier emails to friends on my contact list andplan to circulate one of the attached fliers at work. Sincenovember--- I have been working at a start up hedge fund in New York.There is a fairly large contingent of French people at my firm--- whosympathize a great deal with what is going on in Lebanon and I am surethat they would be willing do help financially in regards to thehumanitarian relief efforts--- if they already have not done so. I-myself-- plan to donate a modicum amount of my weekly pay check to oneof the relief organizations that you suggested.Please keep me up to date with news regarding the situation at handand about your well-being. My thoughts and prayers are with you, yourfamily, and friends. Hopefully a cease-fire at the very least will beat hand.I have pasted my contact information below. Please keep in touch and take care.

Yours sincerely,


from gerry


how are u holding up. ur phone seems not to work anymore, but im relieved to hear that u are safe and out of harms way at last. have no fear, u made the right decision in leaving, ur parents will be well. i think i should forward ur last email, with all the prior ones attached to a couple of news agencies. it makes for riveting, first hand reading and if published, in edited form no doubt, could significantly influence the opinion of a people largely unaware of the precise circumstances of the lebanese situation. the press out here is a joke. keep ur head up my dear, remember always that u are in our hearts and our prayers, as is ur family, and that you will grow in strength and determination as each day passes.

with all my love and prayer,


from danah

Hi reem,

I am glad that you're safe in Jordan... what's happening in Beirut is horrible and was a shock to us all....

I hope that all of this ends soon and that we can meet up in Beirut again inshallah,


from danah

Hi reem,

I am glad that you're safe in Jordan... what's happening in Beirut is horrible and was a shock to us all....

I hope that all of this ends soon and that we can meet up in Beirut again inshallah,


from ria

dearest reem....

I just read all of your emails back to back and it would be understating it if i said that I was disturbed and shocked. Reem, I am so entirely disgusted and angered by this entire situation and i am so sorry that you and your family, firends and country have to go through such an injustice. It makes us ask ourselves why? - Why in many senses of the word. It is so sad and so uneccesary. I am only hoping that this will be over very soon and that no more innocent lives are destroyed and memories lost. I am thinking always of you and your parents. I know that they will be safe and you will be with them soon. The strength that you must have gained in this ordeal will always help you through life and teach you a resilience that a few of us have.... You have been very strong. Your decision to leave must have been excruciatiing. But just know that whatever you are feeling about it right now- yourparents are happy! I dont understand why this is happening but it is so clearly wrong that it is absolutely shocking and almost criminal that most of the international community is condoning it. I hope that there will be some justice soon- but being realistic I am not sure that this is going to happen soon. I will be here for you always. If you want anything... If you or your family need a place to stay or anything else.... PLEASE tell me.i will do everything i can. If you go back to the states, you are welcome to stay in my apartment- dont know if you still have my keys - but we can organize it if you need to. I am in bombay right now- will be here for another 6 weeks. Thinking of you and please keep sending the updates. ARe you onn your lebonese phone- I will call you if you are and if you are free to talk that would be wonderful. But sending you all my prayer sand thoughts

always ria

from yiani

hey reem

good to hear you're safeallthough dislocated from home ,family and friends... been follown the news for the last couple of weeks but hadnt check my emails and been wondering if you're safe?though you might have fled to doesnt look like anyone realy cares about the the whole thing. and then one wacthes the news!!the nerve and superiority complex that eminates from israel and the states makes me phisicaly ill..its like they are all on a massive line of coke and they're having a "I'm God" trip. almost to angry to wright.its good to have your news reem and good to now your're ok..i wish and hope the same goes with your family and everyone you know and care aboutyou have my thoughts


from teresa d

Dearest Reem,

I was so glad to receive your e-mail of last Saturday and to hear that you and your family are well.

When I first heard the news of the attacks on Lebanon last week I immediately thought about you and hoped you would be safe in some other part of the world. Instead you are in the middle of this terrible mess caused by insane terrorists. I am deeply worried about you and your family and I hope that this situation will resolve soon.

I don't know whether you and/or your family will be leaving the country or stay, but I want you to know that if I can offer you and your family any help, please do not hesitate to let me know. If you want to leave the country and need a safe place to stay in Europe, you and your family are more than welcome to be our guests at our home in Austria where we have plenty of space and you will have all the conveniences you need. Please accept this offer as serious as I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Nevertheless, I hope that things will soon take a better direction although I doubt it considering the latest news. In case you take the decision to flee the country I wish you a safe journey and... good luck... and, if you can manage, I will be glad to have your updates on your situation. There is a terrible anger I feel when hearing about the crimes committed in your country be these terrorists in Israel.

Again, please let me know if I can help and you are more than welcome to be our guests. You have my address and phone numbers at the bottom of this e-mail.



from tasha


don't feel that you have to write back to me. I know you are so worried and busy, but also know that I love you so, so much, and I love your family. I am glad that you have the chance to write your story and share it with us. It truly is the power you have and it makes a great difference now and in the future.

I am praying for all of you. Please do let us know if there is anything we can do to help. I feel almost hypocritical to want to help your family and not others, but I will start where I can. You are my family too, so please let me know if there is anything to be done to support you.
I love you, habibi, and will keep praying for safety and peace.


from michelle

Hi Sweetheart -

what a nightmare this is. I just can't believe it - its psychotic that they have attacked Lebanon like this - well most of their actions are in comprehendsible. I'm so happy that you are okay... i don't know if you got my messages but I tried to text you. Please send my love toyour parents if you manage to speak to them and I'm so sorry that you all have to go through this. You must be so frightened... its terrible. Will the rest of the family leave? I suppose it must be hard for the grandparents to go and they want to stay just because they have been driven out before. I can't even imagine it.

Who would have thought that this could happen toprobably the most moderate and progressive country in the middle east...i've just been watching the next shocked. I don't know what you are workingon and with what organisations but as soon as I'm back in London if you needany legal opinions written I would be more than happy to help. Its impossible while I'm here because the internet barely works and you have no access to legal materials... Legal Aid only has a pre-paid phone andinternet in the bosses office and they never have any money to buy credit...its mad.

Anyway I love you and i am wishing you strength to cope with this. I would just hate to have to leave my family behind. But I have to say I think itwas the right decision to go... you can do so little if you are there and there it is no help them worrying about you being there.

Big hugs and so much love to you

xxxxx Mushy

from nadia

dear reem,

thank you for your updates. i have only just gotten access to email as i wastraveling and am glad to hear that you are ok. i have been thinking aboutyou in the last couple of days. i feel so unbelievably sad when i read aboutit all, and am in complete disbelief that this is all happening. again. itmakes me sad and angry. on the one hand i wish i was there, to support, onthe other hand i know that i would be useless. i can understand howdifficult your decision must have been whether to stay or leave. but in theend it is as you said, you have more power to act from where you are now,especially if your family in amman is engaged and involved.i wish i could do something. i am with hansi in a small town in the blackforest, going back to tehran on monday. i keep getting emails from friendsin london who are raising awareness in london of what´s happening.ya reem, thank you again for your reports. i hope your family in beirut iswell. the story of your grandmother is very touching and i share youradmiration for that generation.i will be in touch from tehran.



from alexis

Dear Reem,

your e-mail went straight to my heart, I read it twice because it touches the very bottom of my soul. I am still in Casablanca and everybody is also in shock about what Israel is doing. I hope that this whole massacre will stop as soon as possible. I wish you, your sweet grandma and your family can stay safe.Both my grandmas and my grandpas lived the 2nd world war and when they were talking about it, they were hoping this would never happen again anywhere in the world. I know that French diplomats are going to Beirut to try to stop the bombings, I hope they will succeed.

By the way, it might not be the right time to do this but if you wanna practice your French (the French TA fiber is still in me), you can read this article :,1-0@2-3218,36-795922@51-759824,0.htmlGood luck for everything you are going through right now. Send my best to your family.
Je t'embrasse très fort, j'espère à très bientôt n'importe où sur la planète mais avec un monde et le Liban en paix !

Hi Reem,

I hope everything is fine for you, I talked to a few Lebanese friends living in Paris, they were telling me that a hospital was bombed by Israel, I am so sad, I think it's so terrible what's happening overthere. My mom and my grandma have collected medicine, clothes and blankets to give to the Lebanese ambassy in Paris but I feel that it's a little drop of help in the gigantic ocean of misery ... anyway we all have to stand united. I wish we could make this stop asap. I'll try to call you later today. Meanwhile, one of my friends in Paris has sent me this link :'s in French but has numerous links.
Je t'embrasse très fort, j'espère que ta famille et toi vont bien.Bon courage.


from abdul aziz

Dear Reem,

this is ,me your old neighbor. your email touched me,the story of your grandma, is my story,it is the story of,any arab who still have any degnity..i was in Beirut when they bombarded the airport.i was in my way to the us,to arrang for salma schooling,she has been accepted in MIT.i left to jordon via i am in spain.i live 24 hrs with what is happing in gaza and beirut,..

Reem this nation _ARABS_if this word still exist,is doomed to ,vanish,and with itevery thing left to us as human beings,unless society not goverments takesthe lead to restruct ,our socio-political live.Israel not only a teroriststate,but is realy,a shame,on the history of mankind and civilization.Georgebush and his team share with israel this titel..One thing is holding myspirit,a small candel,in the darkness,of our live,IS my stong believe,in youand all the millions of arabs like you,already born or yet to be born.Istill remember you a bright and beautiful yung girl,hear you are a matureand commited lady.keep it up habibity,and tell your father and mother ,imissed them and the days of the potomic,give them my mobile and take care of your self

from elyne


Even before I received your email, I had been thinking about you, notknowing where you were or to what extent your family was affected bythis conflict. I am grateful to hear from you, and I apologize for notreaching out sooner.Please continue to send correspondence. Please continue to enlightenas many people as possible. And please tell me if there is anythingthat I could possibly do -- large or small -- for you or your family.(I have already done the one thing that I could think of, which was towrite to my representatives in Washington. I'm sorry and frustratedthat my influence is so minute. But if there is anything that you canthink of...)My thoughts are with you.

With great respect and love,

I am very relieved to hear that you are safe in Jordan. Your strength,the strength of you family, and the strength of your countrymen andwomen are all an inspiration.With respect,Elyne

from maha

Hi Hayate,

I'm glad to know that you're safe, and I'm glad that your parents got back to their home alright. Your email was very touching. You've been through so much, wish I could have been there for you. Inshallah this will end soon and you'll be reunited with your parents. Till then, stay strong like you have been.
I went to a Lebanese demonstration yesterday with a colleague of mine. I was very disappointed. There must have been like 200 people or so, but most of the people who were there were carrying Palestinian flags and some Iraqi. Apparently there had been a Palestinian demonstration planned at the same place and time. It was disappointing because they mixed up lots of issues together rather than make a strong clear statement. They began chanting about peace in Lebanon and ended up with 'long live hizbullah and blow up tel aviv'. Typical. I can't describe the mood, it wasn't anger or sadness, it was like people were going out for a coffee. Jokes about the war were being thrown left and right, usual Arab perverts, it was strange to say the least. I expected a more sombre mood. It was good to see some Jews there. They carried slogans condemning the Israeli government's actions.
Anyway, please stay in touch and keep me informed about the family. If you want to get out of Jordan, you know you always have another home.
If there's any way we can help, please let me know.

Love you,

from victoria


thank you for these emails. this makes me shake with rage. i hope you and your family stay safe and i can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be to see this happen to this incredible city (again!!). i can't believe it's the same place i was just shimmying on rooftops, lounging on deck chairs, and going to the fifty cent concert in with the most lovely, smart sophisticated group of people.
i am thinking of you and your family and hope you're someone okay despite all you're going through.

lots of love, victoria

from teresa f

Reem,I am so sorry to hear of your and Lebanon's trials.

I am at a lost for words. Selfishly I am happy to hear that you are in Jordan and safe. I only hope that your family will be safe as well, despite the situation. I am frustrated, furious, and scared about the American response to the unfettered war acts of Isreal. I have made a donation to Red Cross and will write a letter to my respresentative (I am sorry to tell you that my representative, however, is a non-voting memeber of congress. yet I will write the letter in anyway as a symbolic gesture.) It's been awful watching the news and realizing that the story they tell is not the story that has come from your emails. Thank goodness for technology. It has meant that I have a first hand account of the truth that I can share with others.

Reem, I can't imagine how you feel. I wish that I could be with you to hear you and comfort you. To be a familiar faca in this strange time. What else can I say except that I feel wholly inadequate in the face of this tragedy, to be there for you, to support you. I eagerly await to hear from you again, for that day when you and your family can be reunited, for when you can return to Lebanon. Please continue to inform us. Information is power. In that sense, for all of us, you still are as powerful and strong as you always have been--taking the time to write us--when I fear I would be competely unraveled during the same circumstances. You have always amazed me as a woman of greatness, and you continue to do so even more today. May you and your family stay safe.

I love you and miss you,

from nisrine

hey sweetyI have been receiving your news, and that of Beirutthrough Zeina.words fail me, but I am glad you are OK. Your writingis very touching, I have been in tears for days, beingoutside this time around is so frustrating.I posted donations info on my blog, and will soon holda fundraiser at work. I'll see whatever else I can do.well, look after yourself


from paula

Dear Reem,

First Hamdellah a Salamtek in Amman. Second we are very proud of you.
We have been in touch with Yousef and Meriam, and our family.
What is happening is a great shock to all. THEY do not want this part of the world to get peace.

Just know that you have family in Dubai, and if you wish to come here, you would be very welcome.
Keep in touch.

from lema

Its VERY hard to sit back and watch this shit on CNN, and listen to all the opinions, and generally felling a little helpless that there are so many people in Lebanon that i care about..and that you guys have to go through this!My sister said the the same thing about feeling like a sitting duck! They were basically under house-arrest the last few days, and last night they made the decision to drive up the the moutins to get away from the noise for a bit...... Hana's NOT accustomed to hearing war planes flying over house in the middle of the night... i think that she got a little freaked out (naturally....).IThis shit makes me so angry... *sigh*. I dont know! I hope that everything's ok over there (i know it is for the moment)... you're in my thoughts.... PLEASE keep the updates coming>...