Monday, July 31, 2006

from alexis

Dear Reem,

your e-mail went straight to my heart, I read it twice because it touches the very bottom of my soul. I am still in Casablanca and everybody is also in shock about what Israel is doing. I hope that this whole massacre will stop as soon as possible. I wish you, your sweet grandma and your family can stay safe.Both my grandmas and my grandpas lived the 2nd world war and when they were talking about it, they were hoping this would never happen again anywhere in the world. I know that French diplomats are going to Beirut to try to stop the bombings, I hope they will succeed.

By the way, it might not be the right time to do this but if you wanna practice your French (the French TA fiber is still in me), you can read this article :,1-0@2-3218,36-795922@51-759824,0.htmlGood luck for everything you are going through right now. Send my best to your family.
Je t'embrasse très fort, j'espère à très bientôt n'importe où sur la planète mais avec un monde et le Liban en paix !

Hi Reem,

I hope everything is fine for you, I talked to a few Lebanese friends living in Paris, they were telling me that a hospital was bombed by Israel, I am so sad, I think it's so terrible what's happening overthere. My mom and my grandma have collected medicine, clothes and blankets to give to the Lebanese ambassy in Paris but I feel that it's a little drop of help in the gigantic ocean of misery ... anyway we all have to stand united. I wish we could make this stop asap. I'll try to call you later today. Meanwhile, one of my friends in Paris has sent me this link :'s in French but has numerous links.
Je t'embrasse très fort, j'espère que ta famille et toi vont bien.Bon courage.
