Monday, July 31, 2006

from teresa f

Reem,I am so sorry to hear of your and Lebanon's trials.

I am at a lost for words. Selfishly I am happy to hear that you are in Jordan and safe. I only hope that your family will be safe as well, despite the situation. I am frustrated, furious, and scared about the American response to the unfettered war acts of Isreal. I have made a donation to Red Cross and will write a letter to my respresentative (I am sorry to tell you that my representative, however, is a non-voting memeber of congress. yet I will write the letter in anyway as a symbolic gesture.) It's been awful watching the news and realizing that the story they tell is not the story that has come from your emails. Thank goodness for technology. It has meant that I have a first hand account of the truth that I can share with others.

Reem, I can't imagine how you feel. I wish that I could be with you to hear you and comfort you. To be a familiar faca in this strange time. What else can I say except that I feel wholly inadequate in the face of this tragedy, to be there for you, to support you. I eagerly await to hear from you again, for that day when you and your family can be reunited, for when you can return to Lebanon. Please continue to inform us. Information is power. In that sense, for all of us, you still are as powerful and strong as you always have been--taking the time to write us--when I fear I would be competely unraveled during the same circumstances. You have always amazed me as a woman of greatness, and you continue to do so even more today. May you and your family stay safe.

I love you and miss you,