Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Dear Reem,
How are you? How are your family, friends, and loved ones? I have been keeping abreast with everything going on in the region, and am absolutely flabbergasted at the media's portrayal of the conflict. I know that this is a very difficult time for you, but am so proud of you for the strong stand and proactive approach you are taking. You have shown that you are not helpless in this, however terribly despondent this situation is. And we are garnering strength from your resolve to do everything possible to help the people of Lebanon. I promise you that I am doing all in my power (however small it may be) by donating, educating and convincing people of the atrocities taking place in your country. It's really upsetting when people over here blindly shrug this aside, saying "this is war, things like this happen." Forget politics and warfare for a second, first and foremost we are people, individuals, human beings. We have a moral responsibility to stop wrongdoings befalling others, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, beliefs.
Please let me know how I can continue to help in any which way, shape or form.
Be strong for yourself, be strong for your family, be strong for your people. Take care of yourself, your family and loved ones.