Monday, July 31, 2006

from teresa d

Dearest Reem,

I was so glad to receive your e-mail of last Saturday and to hear that you and your family are well.

When I first heard the news of the attacks on Lebanon last week I immediately thought about you and hoped you would be safe in some other part of the world. Instead you are in the middle of this terrible mess caused by insane terrorists. I am deeply worried about you and your family and I hope that this situation will resolve soon.

I don't know whether you and/or your family will be leaving the country or stay, but I want you to know that if I can offer you and your family any help, please do not hesitate to let me know. If you want to leave the country and need a safe place to stay in Europe, you and your family are more than welcome to be our guests at our home in Austria where we have plenty of space and you will have all the conveniences you need. Please accept this offer as serious as I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Nevertheless, I hope that things will soon take a better direction although I doubt it considering the latest news. In case you take the decision to flee the country I wish you a safe journey and... good luck... and, if you can manage, I will be glad to have your updates on your situation. There is a terrible anger I feel when hearing about the crimes committed in your country be these terrorists in Israel.

Again, please let me know if I can help and you are more than welcome to be our guests. You have my address and phone numbers at the bottom of this e-mail.

