Monday, July 31, 2006

from nadia

dear reem,

thank you for your updates. i have only just gotten access to email as i wastraveling and am glad to hear that you are ok. i have been thinking aboutyou in the last couple of days. i feel so unbelievably sad when i read aboutit all, and am in complete disbelief that this is all happening. again. itmakes me sad and angry. on the one hand i wish i was there, to support, onthe other hand i know that i would be useless. i can understand howdifficult your decision must have been whether to stay or leave. but in theend it is as you said, you have more power to act from where you are now,especially if your family in amman is engaged and involved.i wish i could do something. i am with hansi in a small town in the blackforest, going back to tehran on monday. i keep getting emails from friendsin london who are raising awareness in london of what´s happening.ya reem, thank you again for your reports. i hope your family in beirut iswell. the story of your grandmother is very touching and i share youradmiration for that generation.i will be in touch from tehran.

